
Bennet Schwartz is an adventurer, innovator and visionary. Born and raised in Texas, Bennet now lives in Australia. He continues his design work, which is his major career for the moment. His projects are endless. He may move at the drop of a hat but make no mistake, he’s built a success out of his business and established it in the US before getting the travel bug which landed him in Australia.

Austin, Texas is to blame for his artistic adventurisms, but his freelance work took him around the US. Not because it was a work requirement, but because he wanted to see a different place.

One of the most inspirational stories about his life is about his second job. He first worked in a pizza restaurant out of high school. He then worked as a graphic designer out of college. They soon approached him about an open position for an art director. Now, here’s the inspirational part. Bennett admits to pitching them, even though he knew little about the position and had no director’s experience.

He loves to think outside the box and intends to stay in the creative fields. Challenges keep him on his toes, and he’ll use that energy to inspire those he works with to take on this thought process.

His hobbies are no less edgy, competitive and adventurous as his work. It’s an attitude and lifestyle that encompasses all that he does. How does an afternoon of brakeless bike racing grab you? Its suited Bennet Schwartz just fine. He’s competed in several, both in the US and Sydney since his move in 2019.

He has a knack for linking all that he does into his work. He finds inspiration on motorcycle rides around Australia and brings it back to the office—home office that is. His latest inspirations are going into a book that will help others do what he does, and he looks forward to inspiring the world with his views and successful practices.

What he enjoys most involves others more than himself. He’s no ordinary influence. Bennet won’t be sporting anything surface-level. When you study him or take his suggestions on-board, you’ll enjoy the same gifts of wisdom and creativity that he imparts on his clients.

He stated many times in interviews that he keeps a few things for himself like cycling, motorcycling and creating things for others in their business. The beauty part is it’s no sacrifice for him. He loves what he does and likes to see the fruits of his labor within the results he garners for other people.

His working style is unique to others. Bennett will infiltrate a company as a designer very positively. The focus is to get into that company, learn the language and culture. Then, the creative process and flow takes hold, and a masterpiece emerges.

Some sage advice from Bennet is to never fear asking for help. If he hits an impasse, he’ll ask a trusted mentor. He suggests that you have one or two on hand for these times. People who are ahead of where you are with the experience that’s valuable to what you do.

His workday shouldn’t surprise anyone. It starts early, like most success stories. He didn’t give a specific time in interviews; he states that he likes to start the day as soon as possible. Coffee, the news just to find out what’s going on in the world and exercise will energize him enough to deal with his projects throughout the day.

Bennet Schwartz is a go-getter with heart for people and his work which sets him apart from the rest. While at the same time, being apart from others is what he’s least interested in doing.